Down The Melody Lane

History of 100 Years of Indian Films & Music in a nut-shell


| 1913-1930 | 1931-'40 | 1941-'50 | 1951-'60 | 1961-'70 | 1971-'80 | 1981-'90 | 1991-'96 |

July 7, 1896

Living Photographic Pictures

Films of Lumiere Brothers were shown in Bombay's Watson Hotel. It was a package of 6 films viz, Entry of cinematograph, Arrival of the train, The sea bath, A demolition, Leaving the factory and Ladies and Soldiers on wheels. Entry fee was Re. 1.

July 14, 1896

Living Photographic Pictures

Films of Lumiere Brothers were also shown in Novelty theatre. Back seats ticket costed 50 paise and front seats ticket were sold for Re. 1.

January 1897                         

Living Photographic Pictures

Lumiere presented his film Feeding the Baby. His films were also shown in Calcutta.


More Films Come to India

¤ In 1898, two Italian men organised film shows on Aazad park, Bombay, under a tent.

¤ In the same year, Multinational Warwick trading company presented a news reel 'Panorama of Calcutta', in Calcutta.

¤ Same year, Devki Bose and Chandulal Shah were born, who, in days to come, became icons of Indian cinema.


More Developments

¤ Major Warwick constructed a cinema hall in Madras.

¤ F B Thanawala's 'Grand Kinetoscope' news reel opened up posibilities of commercial film making.


More Developments

¤ Indian student R P Paranjape, who obtained highest marks in Mathematics in Cambridge University, returned India. His home-return was filmized by Save Dada and it is known to be India's first documentary film.

¤ Heeralal Sen captured the plays like 'Alibaba' and 'Buddha' with his movie camera and presented them in a whole new format.


Gramophones Arrive

¤ J F Madaan started a series of tent theatres in Calcutta. He had 125 such theatres in Burma, Sri Lanka and India.

¤ Calcutta's Shashi Mukhi of classic theatres became the first Indian to have a song recorded on Gramophone disc.


Delhi Darbar

Bhatwadekar and American biograph together made 'Delhi Darbar of Lord Curzan'.


Flintstone Picture Palace

J F Madaan made Flintstone Picture Palace. He also started directing the films in the same year.


Phalke's Exposure to Films

'The Life of Christ' was shown in P B Mehta's theatre which was seen by Dada Sahab Phalke too.


George V's Darbar

¤ George V came to India. A grand darbar was organised in Delhi and it was shoot by Heeralal Sen, Warne & Shephard, S N Pathankar and J F Madaan.

¤ Phalke went to London to learn the techniques and art of filmography.


Phalke's Arrival

¤ In 1912, R G Torane's film 'Bhakt Pundalik' was released.

¤ Dada Sahab Phalke returned to India with film camera and other film instruments.

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